• 职业教育办事处
  • Self Knowledge & Personal Branding
  • 我的身份特有的资源
  • 我的身份特有的资源

    发现适合你和你身份的职业资源. These online resources 由首席执行官学生助理审查并确定为有帮助和相关的,但是 我们一直在寻找新的资源来服务我们不同的人群. If you have suggestions for additions to this list or do not feel represented by these resources, 请给首席执行官发电子邮件 career@lgmobilereg.com.

    Students of Color

    • IM Diversity - Career site devoted to serving the cultural and career-related needs of minorities.
    • 教师招聘协会 - (IRT)招收有色人种学生和其他对多样性感兴趣的学者 在申请研究生院和获得资助的过程中支持他们 获得教师资格证书,攻读教育学硕士学位.
    • 多样化的劳动力需要平衡的人力资源领导 - Multimedia publication that covers the intersection of people management and business strategy. 内容可以帮助人力资源专业人士从更具战略性的角度来看待他们的工作, 大局观,业务结果视角.
    • 职场多样性的十大经济事实 -关于拥有多元化劳动力的经济价值的文章.
    • HelloHive -连结自我认同的下一代人才的社群平台 在重视DEI的公司有不同的背景和经验. Create a profile, build a resume and apply to internships and jobs, and build meaningful engagement with our extensive list of employers looking for candidates just like you.
    • MLT职业准备计划 -  A 20-month career exploration and preparation program that provides a professional 剧本,职业指导,以及10000名正在崛起的MLT领导者的网络成员 横跨各行各业.
    • T.RowePrice启动您的遗产计划 - An exposure program designed to introduce diverse undergraduate students graduating between 2024年12月和2026年5月到T. Rowe Price. 成功的参与者将有机会被考虑为早期人才 实习时间加快了.

    African American/Black



    Formerly Incarcerated

    • Careeronestop.org - Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders can help you with your career, training, or employment 需要提供国家资源,雇佣前罪犯的雇主以及如何交谈 about your conviction.
    • Help For Felons - Options for online, temporary, and career focused jobs and felon-friendly employers.



    • 国会西班牙裔核心小组研究所. -提供奖学金,实习,奖学金和其他项目来帮助发展 future Latinx leaders in corporations, government agencies, nonprofits and other organizations.
    • HISPA.org -新泽西的非营利组织(也活跃于迈阿密、纽约和旧金山) Antonio). 成立的目的是吸引西班牙裔专业人士的志愿服务并根除 拉美裔学生不愿接受高等教育的一个关键原因是:角色的缺失 models.
    • 西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学全国总部 - Helps young Hispanic students benefit from internships, scholarships, college retention and advancement programs, precollegiate support, and career development opportunities and programs.
    • 西班牙裔传统基金会 拉丁裔快速通道(LOFT)项目可以帮助你找到实习或工作 在私人或公共部门. 终身免费会员.
    • JPMorgan Chase & Co. 促进西班牙裔的就业机会 & Latino Talent -为西班牙裔/拉丁裔大二学生提供为期6周的暑期奖学金项目 interested in financial services careers which includes hands-on experience, mentorship, and a project-based curriculum and is designed to help build a pathway to future employment opportunities.

    LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual)

    • 给跨性别和非双性恋学生的求职提示 -与一名前云顶集团学生合作创作的
    • LGBTQ学生资源 - While some content is specific to Columbia University students, their Career Center 提供求职/实习的一般信息.  
    • 校园骄傲指数(考虑研究生或专业的因素) school) -为LGBTQ学生提供更多资源和奖学金.
    • Out Professionals -“结识各种各样有社交能力和专业能力的人 allies; successful people, who can advance your career or help you make a career transition.”
    • Out and Equal -专门致力于LGBTQ+工作场所平等的组织.
    • Lambda Legal - 全国协会致力于实现对公民权利的充分承认 lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender peopleand everyone living with HIV through 影响诉讼、教育和公共政策工作.
    • U.S. 平等就业机会委员会EEOC interprets and enforces Title VII's prohibition of sex discrimination as forbidding 任何基于就业的歧视 性别认同或性取向.  这些保护措施适用于任何相反的情况 state or local laws. Learn more! 


    Middle Eastern



    • 本德咨询服务 - Bender provides disability employment expertise in the areas of recruitment, workplace 指导、战略规划、培训和数字可云顶集团性.​
    • Spectrum Careers -将自闭症求职者与包容的雇主联系起来. Job seekers can log in to view over 15,000 job postings, and get instructions on how to show off 他们使用视频简历的技能. 传统的简历也可以接受.
    • 为残疾学生提供的资源 - Offers numerous resources for students with disabilities including: visual, Cognitive, 身体、语言、自闭症、听力障碍和注意力缺陷障碍(ADD).
    • 残疾学生的就业机会 -由大学、国家雇主和政府机构组成的联盟 论高校残疾毕业生的就业问题.
    • 职业介绍所网络 (JAN) - Free consulting service (through gov’t Office of Disability Employment Policy ODEP) designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities by providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions, providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation, and educating callers about self-employment option.
    • Abilityjobs.com -招聘板和资源.
    • 残疾:在下一代领导人的倡议 - Mentorship program that pairs college students, graduate students, and recent graduates 残障人士:IN公司合作伙伴. 
    • 青年、信息披露和工作场所:为什么、何时、做什么和如何做 - 这一资源来自美国.S. 劳工部残疾人就业政策办公室 outlines key considerations for students when considering whether to disclose a disability to an employer including the rationale, timing, and suggested process for disclosing. 
    • 向雇主披露残疾:你的权利 - Monster.Com提供了有关披露残疾的法律考虑的见解 给雇主,尤指在招聘过程中.
    • 有心理健康需要的青少年应该知道什么 残疾人就业政策办公室(Office of Disability Employment Policy).S. Department of Labor, shares guidance for youth with mental health disabilities addressing common on-the-job 关注的问题以及可能的调整建议,以指导披露 conversation.
    • 劳动力招聘计划(WRP) - The Workforce Recruitment Program connects students and recent graduates with disabilities to federal and private-sector employers to help them gain jobs and internships nationwide 用他们的技能和才能为公众服务.


    • 50个女性职业资源
    • Women for Hire -提供了一个工作板,文章如何从家里管理业务,网络研讨会 关于各种主题和其他资源.
    • Career Intelligence - Articles about what to do after graduation, how to handle debt, going to grad school, and more.
    • Ellevate Network -“我们的使命是帮助女性在职场中取得进步,无论是为自己还是为他人 the greater good. 我们努力从内到外改变商业文化 ——通过投资女性.”


    • 退伍军人就业中心 -在工作申请过程的各个阶段支持退伍军人的资源.
    • 美国学生退伍军人协会 ——一个由全球大学校园里的学生退伍军人团体组成的联盟提供了帮助 支持学生,寻找奖学金,建立校友网络.
    • G.I. Jobs -在军事招聘的首要品牌,提供文章,提示和在线工具 to help military transition to explore different career and post-secondary education options.
    • 全国大学生退伍军人职业会议 - A professional networking and advocacy organization dedicated to connecting military 世界一流大学的老学生和校友 who value their elite academic credentials, military leadership abilities, and limitless career potential.
    • 退伍军人职业资源 -职业资源和职位列表.


    云顶集团的职业教育办公室(CEO)遵守这些原则 forth by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) and expects that employers who use the Center's services will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, sex, age, disability, or genetic information. CEO平台上的所有云顶集团都发布在 由职业教育办公室全权决定.

    The CEO is not responsible for the content of any linked site; the CEO provides these 链接仅作为方便,不对第三方的作为或遗漏承担任何责任 各方或其提供的任何材料. 云顶集团不对安全负责 工资,工作条件,或其他方面的校外就业. 这是责任 学生研究他们所在组织的完整性和安全性 are applying. 建议学生在申请时谨慎使用常识 在公司的任何职位上,如果他们有什么问题,可以联系CEO questions.